The Hogansville Police Department operates at its maximum potential with supportive input from the citizens it serves. In addition to the following information distributed by Hogansville City Hall, the police department operates its own website at The police department is located at 117 Lincoln Street, Hogansville, GA 30230 and can be reached at 706-637-6648 or
Traffic Tickets and Fines, Probation, City Court:
***Please note: The Municipal Court address has changed to 600 East Main Street, Hogansville, GA 30230. ***
Annual Crime Reports
During the first quarter of each year, the Hogansville Police Department publishes an Annual Report covering the previous calendar year. The Annual Report contains summary data about crime statistics, year over year crime comparisons, officer activity levels, officer training, department programs, community outreach, and recognition of staff accomplishments. For more information, contact the Hogansville Police Department at 706-637-6648.
2018 Police Department Annual Report
2017 Police Department Annual Report
Monthly Crime Reports
The Hogansville Police Department publishes a monthly report on the number of reported crimes, calls for service, citations issued, etc., that occurred in the city limits. The report provides year-over-year comparison data for the current month as well as year-to-date information. For more information, contact the Hogansville Police Department at 706-637-6648.
Monthly Code Enforcement Reports
The Code Enforcement Division protects property values and improves the health, safety, and welfare of citizens by obtaining compliance with nuisance, building, zoning, land development, environmental and other codes and ordinances through effective, expeditious and equitable enforcement of the codes. The Division places an emphasis on achieving voluntary code compliance through education, communication and cooperation. For more information, contact Code Enforcement at 706-637-6648.
Please Note: The City of Hogansville sent its Code Compliance Officer to Mandate School between January and March 2019. Therefore, no reports exist for the months of December 2018 – April 2019 during which HPD Officers handled complaints.
Nuisance Abatement Cases
The following Nuisance Abatement Cases were filed in the Hogansville Municipal Court for the July 13, 2018 docket. Property owner appeared in Court and requested time to rehab the buildings; the Court gave owner 60 days from the date of the filed Order and Findings of Fact to obtain all required building permits to rehab or demolish the structures; if city permits are obtained, owner will have 180 days to rehab. For more information, contact Code Enforcement at 706-637-6648.